Monday, December 21, 2009

Post Holiday Cleanse

It has been an exercise in futility to try and eat healthy as we are knee deep in the holiday season! In fact, it was just this afternoon that I so innovatively combined two homemade red velvet cookies and cream cheese frosting to make a really "cute" red velvet cookie sandwich- bleck.

So, with that, I have decided to count my loses, do my best, and let the holiday run it's course. That is, the Christmas holiday.

I have the unique privilege to attend the wedding of a great friend over New Years (January 2 to be exact). The bride looks fabulous, but I too would like to fit into my dress (which is still TBD).

So, in between my French Canadian Christmas (think mega meat pies and piles of poutine from Ashton) and my friend's wedding (slash BC reunion with people I haven't seen since graduation), I am considering doing one of the following cleanses.

Blueprint Cleanse- em, probably going to opt against this one as it is absurdly expensive for us out of NYC-ers. Actually, after further review, it is absurdly expensive even for you NYC-ers.

MasterCleanse- yep, the Beyonce one! And no, I am not concerned that the broken English is the website, should I be? (Get it?! I wrote in broken English!).

Cabbage Soup Diet- Hmm, the word "yum" doesn't necessarily come to mind, but I do feel that this cleanse resonates so well with the Irish in me (although, if corned beef was included, I would be a whole heck of a lot happier! Thinner, probably not. Happier, absolutely).

What are your thoughts? Anyone else have any other ideas? And I dare someone to say exercise and a healthy diet...really, I dare you.

Stay tuned for my return from O' Canada, and I will get started on the day to day updates.

Everything in moderation, folks. These cleanses and diets are really only designed for short-term use so, just as we do with our cosmo consumption, (or not), manage responsibly :)

And for the record, I have sent out two "First to Post" samples (girls, you should be receiving shortly). The first to comment on this post will get the Obagi Cream! And then the sampling program is over until I start another one!

1 comment:

  1. i am so up for a post holiday cleanse. maybe a modified master. mayeb we can do together?!
