Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blog Ideas

Hi All,
Apologies, I know...my blog is outdated! I wanted to thank everyone who asked about my next blog post. Really, I appreciate this because it means you guys are actually interested in my rambling stream of consciousness (either that, or my parents are still paying you to be nice to me).

When I first announced that I was starting a blog, many of my friends said that they wanted to do the same thing but didn't know what they would blog about. The below post is a list of ideas that would make excellent blogs! So get inspired and blog away! If you have seen some of these blogs out there, share the link in the comments section so we can appreciate them!!

I know that this post is kind of lame, but stay tuned as I vet out some of these ideas as posts on my existing blog!

Forwards From My Parents:
An aggregated page that features the absurd emails sent to me by my parents (more specifically my father as my mom is not quite sure how the "machine" and "world wide web" work). These emails would include the inappropriate dirty old man jokes and marriage snubs, the influential political propaganda, and of course the, "Send this to any woman you care about!!! It could save her life!!!" (you know the one I am talking about...the unmarked police car and the secret number you can dial to see if there is, in fact, an unmarked police car in your area).

*I would like to take this time to apologize to everyone who has been tricked into giving my father their email address. Please let me know if you need a tutorial on how to activate your "spam" folder

Sayings I Can Never Remember But Insist On Using During Work Meetings:
Is it play it by ear or play it by year? How many of six is a half dozen and how is it the same? Is it point in case or case in point (and can I say "case in point" at the end of this blog idea as it is clearly "point in case" that I don't know these sayings)?

Er, case...in...point....?

Emails From My Boss:
Does this need an explanation? This would be a dedicated destination that invites users to forward those cryptic emails that lack direction or insight. Or that response to your initial email that asked 6 questions with two follow-up questions based on the condition and the response consists of simply "yes". Which brings me to my next blog idea...

Emails You Never Should Have Sent:
This blog would feature the passive aggressive email back to your boss with the "per my email" introduction. Or the infamous "reply all" where you mock your bosses inability to answer a set of questions.

Homes I'll Never Be Able To Afford...But Can't Help Looking At
This wouldn't be just a luxury real estate blog. It would be more like a "If I Had All The Money In the World" blog. Think ridiculous beach side villas and 50 bedroom, fully furnished mansions. Or this castle in Rhode Island that I stumbled across while looking for homes between $1m and $20m. How awesome would it be to say that you owned a castle...in Rhode Island?!?! Why, because you have all the money in the world...that's why!

Worst Job Descriptions Ever:
I need to give my friend Megan Yaps a shout out here as this idea originated as I was looking for potential job opportunities for her. I will leave you with this teaser, "Serve as primary liaison between me and my family". What?! They forgot to add "manage unimaginable family disfunction and serve as child psychotherapist."

Book Club Blog:
If you need a description, than you probably shouldn't create this blog.

My Daily Pet Peeves:
Everyone already knows my distaste for seat hogs on public transportation and backpack wearers on crowded subways, but I have an unraveling list of pet peeves that I would just love to share. This blog would showcase a pet peeve per day, one that I was subjected to while going about my business. For example, being stuck behind someone smoking a cigarette and every time you try to pass them, they speed up and every time you try to move off to a side, the wind changes and the smoke goes back into your face...


The fact that there has been a couch sitting in my lobby for over a week and the (ex) owner of the couch doesn't even have the courtesy to post a note saying "sorry, we are in the process of moving, this will be out of the way shortly". And the fact that there are only 4 families in my building (and we have already deducted that it is not one couple's )so leaving an obnoxious note like, "For Sale" is not a question as their is no safety in anonymity. Well Mr. & Mrs. Inconsiderate...I hope you have a pet peeve about dogs, peeing on your furniture...because that is just what mine did (really...he did. Good boy Ry-guy, good boy).

Shows I Could Watch All Day:
This blog would list out TV guilty pleasures and would probably include shows like Rock of Love, House Hunters, House Hunters International, Hoarders, Intervention (I am convinced that these last two shows are addicting in and of themselves but must agree that watching them makes me feel SO much better about how messy my house is and how much I drank last night) ...

Real Life Legal Scams (can a "scam" be legal?):
This one comes straight from my husband. He just told me about a guy who bought 4 commemorative quarters for a dollar. He ordered thousands on his credit card and as soon as they were delivered, he put them back in the bank and gained loads of air miles from his purchase. Wait, something sounds scammy about this blog idea- I have a sneaking suspicion that I have just been scammed by my husband...which brings me to my next post...

Things That SO CLEARLY Need To Be Cleaned But My Husband Can't Seem To See Them:
I find that when we are cleaning our house, my husband lacks the pro-active, "go get 'em" attitude that I have come to embrace. I love when he claims that "we're good, everything is clean" while sitting on the couch on top of a pile of clean laundry that is not folded. Or when he asks me what else needs to be done while standing next to the coffee table that is covered in food and dirty dishes.

*For the record, he is so good when I kindly point out the things that could still be cleaned and I love how eager he is to help me clean when I ask. I asked his permission to recommend this blog idea.

Do you have any blog ideas? Share them in the comments section!


  1. I enjoy that you ask his permission. I suggest the "remember when ..." blog ... posts about ridiuclous things we did when we were ridiculous ... like last weekend ... or sophomore year of college. I think KB would have much success with this type of blog.

  2. Here's one...remember that one time we all got on stage and started singing Journey with the band. Wow, those days were amazing. Oh, wait...nevermind, that was last weekend.
